BtM - 2003
Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               EXT MARKETPLACE IN CAPERNAUM - DAY               KARL is speaking to the crowd.  At the back, two men are               talking.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                         He appears to be a great leader � a                         great prophet.  Who is he?                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         He is our messiah.  He has                         performed many miracles.  He has                         cured the sick.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                         Where is he from?                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         No one knows.  Many say he knows                         John the Baptist - was baptized by                         him.  He was said to be a magus, a                         messenger from Adonai.  His baptism                         renewed the spirit of the Essenes.                          (a beat)  He is not the orator the                         Baptist was, but he performs                         miracles.  He foretells the future.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                             (in awe)                         No.  Really?                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         He predicted the arrest of John the                         Baptist by Herod Antipas.  And soon                         after, Herod imprisoned him at                         Peraea.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                         Does he have a name?                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         No one knows for sure, but he is                         called the Nazarene.  Some say he                         is related to a man named Joseph of                         David's line.  A carpenter in                         Nazareth.  Perhaps even his son.                          There are some faint rumors that                         his name is Jesus.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                         He speaks rather gently, doesn't                         he? None of the fire of the                         Baptist.                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         Aye.  Like John he speaks against                         the accumulation of personal                         wealth, and of mankind as a                         brotherhood.  But it's the miracles                         that are the difference.  No                         prophet before has healed the sick.                          He seems to understand our                         troubles.  And he truly feels for                         us.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                         And his message?                                   MAN IN CROWD 2                         That's what is truly different.  He                         speaks of a much gentler God.  And                         he is a teacher - he tells parables                         to demonstrate his message.                                   MAN IN CROWD 1                             (shaking his head)                         They'll never let him go on.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A HILLSIDE OUTSIDE OF CAPERNAUM - TWO WEEKS LATER - DAY               KARL sits on the hillside speaking with a small group of what               looks like intelligent, literate men.  They appear more               prosperous than the usual followers.  They are captivated by               him.                                   KARL                         The time has come, my friends, to                         complete our ranks.  There must be                         twelve.  There must be a zodiac.                KARL rises and walks among them, touching one and then               another on the shoulder.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         You.  And you.  Andrew.  John, to                         me. Simon.  James.  Thomas.  Is                         there one here called Peter?               KARL continues to select from the group until he has 11 men.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         Is there one here called Judas?                Another man raises his hand.                                   KARL[CONT'D]                         Good.  Now we have the twelve.                          Please, the rest of you.  Leave us                         for a while. I have much to discuss                         with my apostles.               The rest of the group rises and leaves.  KARL sits down with               the twelve.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A ROAD IN GALILEE - A WEEK LATER - DAY               KARL is leading a large following.  Closest to him are the               twelve educated men � his apostles.  The rest of the               followers are primarily poor people.                                   MAN IN CROWD 3                         I am hungry, and tired.                                   MAN IN CROWD 4                         And hot.  This sun is relentless.                                   MAN IN CROWD 5                         Why don't you leave?  Stop and                         rest?                                   MAN IN CROWD 3                         Are you new here?  We follow the                         Nazarene.  Jesus.  He performs                         great miracles.  He is our light                         and our hope.                                   MAN IN CROWD 5                         What kind of miracles?                                   MAN IN CROWD 4                         There was one time - He was                         preaching from a boat.  Then when                         he was done, he walked across the                         surface of the water to shore.                                   MAN IN CROWD 6                         I thought he was just walking                         through the shallows.                                   MAN IN CROWD 4                         No.  No.  I heard it from many                         reputable people - people who were                         there in the front - he walked                         across the surface.                                   MAN IN CROWD 6                         From people in the front?  It must                         be true.  It only makes sense, with                         all the other miracles, that he can                         walk on water.                                   MAN IN CROWD 5                         ALL the other miracles?                The men continue to speak.  They become more and more               animated.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  AN ENCAMPMENT - NIGHT               KARL and the chosen twelve sit around a fire.                                   SIMON PETER                         Jesus, please, you must be more                         careful. You will be stoned.  They                         will kill you.                                   KARL                         They will not stone me.                                   JAMES                         But it is the law.                                   KARL                         It is not my fate.                                   THOMAS                         Do you not fear death?                                   KARL                         It is not the greatest of my fears.                                   SIMON PETER                         But Jesus ...               KARL rises rapidly glaring at Simon Peter.                                   KARL                             (shouting)                         No!  Karl Glogauer!  Karl Glogauer!                                   JUDAS                             (in awe)                         Behold, he speaks with the voice of                         Adonai.                                   KARL                         Call me not by that name!  Please.                         Leave me!               Confused, the twelve rise and move away.  KARL stands alone               looking up at the stars.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  HOUSE OF SIMON PETER IN CAPERNAUM - WINTER               KARL and his disciples are sitting in a circle.  KARL is               talking to them.                                   KARL                         Hear me now, my dear friends.  The                         time is near.  The Feast of                         Passover is soon approaching.  I                         would like to share with you a                         prophesy about the end.                                   ANDREW                         The end?  When we are victorious?                                   KARL                         This is a prophesy about a                         different ending.  (a pause.)  On                         the Feast of Passover, when John                         the Baptist planned to lead the                         revolt against the Romans, we will                         enter Jerusalem.  I will ride in on                         the back of a donkey.  Palm                         branches will be strewn before me.                          The people will cheer our entrance.                          But I will not leave that city.               They cry out, "No.  No." and "Jesus, tell us it will not be!"               and "No, say it is not true".  KARL hold up his hand for               silence.  They quiet down.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         As I said, I will not leave the                         city. One of you will betray me.                          One of you will deny me � not once                         but three times. The rest of you                         will go into hiding.  I will die,                         but on the third day hence, I will                         rise from the dead to sit at the                         right hand of God, our Father.                          Soon after, you will travel the                         countryside and spread the word of                         God.                The apostles are stunned.  KARL rises and walks from the               room.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  PILATE'S HEADQUARTERS IN JERUSALEM - SIMULTANEOUSLY               PONTIUS PILATE is seated.  His advisor is pacing around him.                                   PONTIUS PILATE                         I am distressed.  The whole                         political environment is disturbed.                          All this talk of miracles and now                         this prophet - what's his name?                          Mark my words, I can feel it.                          Something is going to happen - an                         outbreak.                                   ADVISOR                         Jesus of Nazareth.                                   PILATE                         What?                                   ADVISOR                         His name.  You asked.  Jesus of                         Nazareth.                                   PILATE                         Yes.  Yes. Doesn't he seem rather                         tame though?  Not at all like the                         Baptist. Or the Zealots.  If we are                         to have trouble, it needs to be on                         a large scale.                                   ADVISOR                         Yes, I agree.  It would be your                         vindication to Tiberius.  It would                         prove that he, against your advice,                         was too lenient with the Jews over                         the votive shields.                                   PILATE                         My power over the Jews would be                         increased and I could implement                         some real policies.  I need to                         consolidate my position with the                         Tetrarchs.  And I need to do                         something about that unstable fool,                         Herod Antipas.                                   ADVISOR                         There is a possibility of provoking                         an incident.                                   PILATE                         Far too risky.  If Tiberius found                         out ...                PILATE rises and walks to the window.  He sees the minarets               and spires of Jerusalem.                                   PILATE (CONT'D)                             (deep in thought)                         But maybe this Jesus ...                                                       CROSSFADE TO:               EXT.  PILATE'S HEADQUARTERS - 4 WEEKS BEFORE PASSOVER - DAY               The Pharisees are walking down the street and enter PILATE's               headquarters.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  PILATE'S HEADQUARTERS - CONTINUOUS               Two guards stand at the entrance to PILATE's office.                                   PHARISEE 1                             (to the guard)                         Pilate has sent for us.                They stand aside and let the Pharisees enter.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  PILATE'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS               PILATE is standing by the windows.  There are several other               Roman officials subordinate to PILATE standing in various               areas.  The Pharisees stand in the center of the room.                                   PILATE                         I am so glad you could come.  I                         need your cooperation.  Passover is                         in four weeks, and I want to avoid                         any 'incidents' like we've had in                         the past. You remember the riots                         we've had recently.                                   PHARISEE LEADER                         We, of course, will do anything we                         can to discourage this type of                         behavior. However, we cannot help                         it if people act foolishly.                                   PILATE                         Of course, of course.  Thank you.               The Pharisees leave.  PILATE turns to his second-in-command.                                   PILATE (CONT'D)                         You see?  What can you do with                         them?                The officials chuckle at PILATE's joke.                                   SECOND-IN-COMMAND                         We'll get as many troops recalled                         to Jerusalem as soon as possible.                          But we're already spread a bit                         thin.                                   PILATE                         Yes, I know.  Do what you can.  We                         can only do our best.  Please, all                         of you, leave me now.               The officials file out.  Once they are gone, several other               men appear from a back entrance.                                   PILATE (CONT'D)                         Ah, my agents.  Tell me, what do                         you think of this new prophet,                         Jesus?                                   AGENT 1                         He seems harmless enough.                                   PILATE                         Yes.  (a beat.)  He might be                         harmless now, but if he reaches                         Jerusalem during Passover, he might                         not be so harmless.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  MOUNT OF THE OLIVES OUTSIDE JERUSALEM - TWO DAYS BEFORE               THE FEAST OF PASSOVER - LATE AFTERNOON               KARL is sitting with the twelve under an olive tree.                                   KARL                         The Feast of Passover is two days                         hence. It is time.                                   JOHN                         Jesus, Pilate is said to be looking                         for a scapegoat.                                   KARL                         Then he shall have one.                                   SIMON PETER                         Is there nothing we can say to you                         that will deter you from this                         course of action?  Pilate expects                         something to happen - he is ready                         for it.  And he wants it.  Can't we                         wait?                                   KARL                         What will occur has already been                         written.  There is nothing we can                         do to change it.               KARL smiles at them and raises his hand in a blessing.  He               beckons to JAMES.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         Get me a donkey.  A colt.  I must                         fulfill the prophesy now.                                   ANDREW                         Then all will know you are the                         Messiah.                                   KARL                             (quietly)                         Yes.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  MOUNT OF THE OLIVES - EVENING THE SAME DAY               In the poor light, KARL looks at the men around him.  Ten are               present.  The other two are out looking for a donkey.  A               light breeze was blowing.  The men stand on the grassy slope               looking toward Jerusalem and the great Temple below.  KARL               walks over to one apostle.  He is tall and good-looking with               curly red hair.                                   KARL                         Judas, I wish to speak with you.                          Walk with me a bit.               They separate from the group and walk a distance away.                                   JUDAS                         Yes, Master?  What do you wish to                         say to me?                                   KARL                         I want you to help me later, when                         we have entered Jerusalem.  It is                         very important.                                   JUDAS                         How, Master?                                   KARL                         I need you to take a message to the                         Romans.                                   JUDAS                             (troubled)                         The Romans?  Why?                                   KARL                         It must be the Romans.  It has been                         foretold.  (a beat.)                          (preoccupied.)  It can't be the                         Jews.  They would use stones or a                         stake or an axe.  (smiles at                         Judas.)  I'll tell you more when                         the time comes.  Remember - keep                         your own council.               JUDAS nods and walks away.  The sky is full dark and the               stars shine down on the Mount of Olives.  A cold wind blows               across the slope.  KARL shivers.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  ENTRANCE TO JERUSALEM - PASSOVER - DAY               Crowds line the streets as KARL and his followers enter the               city.  KARL is astride a donkey with SIMON PETER walking               beside him.  Many of his followers have run ahead and are               throwing down palm branches in his path.  The crowd is               shouting "Osha'na!  Osha'na!  Osha-na!" over and over.                                   SIMON PETER                             (to KARL)                         You hear them?  They are shouting,                         "Free us!  Free us!"  You are seen                         as the fulfillment of the                         prophesies of the ancient prophets.                          They think you are on the way to                         Pilate's house to confront him.                          This is dangerous.                                   KARL                             (absently)                         You hear, Simon Peter?  It almost                         sounds like they are shouting                         "Hosanna".                SIMON PETER looks at KARL, then falls back and joins the               other apostles.  KARL looks around at the expectant faces. He               begins to speak, but cannot be heard over the shouts.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         No.  No.  I am the messiah.  I                         cannot free you.  I can't ...                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  PILATE'S HEADQUARTERS - SIMULTANEOUSLY               PILATE is standing by the window.  He hears the shouts of the               people as KARL and his followers enter the city.  An AIDE               enters.                                   AIDE                         Excuse me, sir.  There is a man                         here to see you.  He says he is a                         follower of this Jesus fellow.                                   PILATE                             (intrigued)                         Send him in.                The AIDE leaves and a moment later, JUDAS enters.  PILATE               looks disdainfully at the Jew.                                   PILATE (CONT'D)                         You have information?  We do not                         pay informers for information that                         proves to be false.  There are                         severe penalties.                                   JUDAS                         I do not seek money, lord.  I am a                         loyal subject of the Emperor.                                   PILATE                         Who is this rebel?                                   JUDAS                         Jesus of Nazareth, lord.  He is                         entering the city ...                                   PILATE                         I know.  I can hear it.  I'm not                         deaf. But I heard he preaches peace                         and obedience of the law.                                   JUDAS                         To deceive you, lord.  But today he                         has betrayed himself, angering the                         Pharisees, speaking against the                         Romans. He has revealed his true                         intentions.                                   PILATE                         Are there witnesses?  And are they                         reliable?  Many of these people                         have bad memories when called to                         testify.                                   JUDAS                         I will testify against him.  I am                         one of his lieutenants.               PILATE cannot believe his good fortune.                                   PILATE                         You say he has offended the                         priests?                                   JUDAS                         He claims to be the rightful King                         of the Jews, the descendant of                         David.  (a pause.  PILATE                         considers.  JUDAS presses on.)  And                         the Pharisees would see him dead.                          I have it on good authority.                         Certain of the Pharisees who                         disagree with him warned him to                         flee the city, but he refused.               PILATE is considering all the possibilities.  Calculating the               odds of success.                                   JUDAS (CONT'D)                         The Pharisees want him arrested.                          The people flock to listen to him.                          Today, many of them rioted in the                         Temple.  They attacked the                         moneychangers.                                   PILATE                         That was he, was it?                                   JUDAS                         Ask those arrested who inspired                         them in their crime.  They were the                         Nazarene's men.               PILATE begins to pace - furiously thinking.                                   PILATE                             (to himself)                         I could not make the arrest.  It                         must be the Pharisees.  Yes, that                         would focus any anger elsewhere.                          (to JUDAS.)  Wait here.  I will                         send a message to Caiaphas.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE - NIGHT               KARL sees the mob coming in the distance.  They are a mixed               group of Roman soldiers and temple guards.  He looks around               at his sleeping apostles.  KARL turns back toward the mob.               The light from their torches mark their approach.  KARL lays               down on the hillside and closes his eyes.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  PILATE'S HEADQUARTERS - SEVERAL DAYS LATER               PILATE and CAIAPHAS are in conference.  KARL is on his knees               in the center of the room.  Guards stand at the doorways.               KARL's face shows the signs of a beating.  His lip is split               and one eye is swollen.  He is bound at the hands.                                   PILATE                         Then we are agreed?                                   CAIAPHAS                         Yes.  While the solution is                         unsatisfying to either of us, it is                         the best we can do.  With all the                         witnesses - even from his followers                         - it was obvious he was guilty of                         both rebellion AND heresy.                                   PILATE                         And the punishment will be dictated                         by Roman law?                                   CAIAPHAS                         Yes, it is agreed.  Crucifixion.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE ROAD TO GOLGOTHA.  THE NEXT DAY - LATE AFTERNOON               KARL staggers behind the heavy wooden cross.  It is being               carried by another.  The streets are crowded, but unnaturally               silent.  He is wearing a crown of thorns and bears the marks               of the ritual humiliations performed on him. His eyes do not               focus.  Occasionally, he staggers off the road, but a Roman               guard nudges him back.  As he travels up the stony slope, he               falls again and again.  He reaches the top as the sun is               setting.  He slips one final time, cutting his head on a               sharp stone.  He faints.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  GOLGOTHA - SHORT TIME LATER               KARL is tied to the cross.  A soldier throws water in his               face.  He regains consciousness.  KARL can hear no sound.               Deathly silent.  He looks to his left and sees a large iron               peg being driven into his hand.  The soldier misses several               times with his hammer.  KARL's fingers are smashed and               bloody.  Shortly, he is completely nailed to the rough wooden               cross.  Using pulleys, the cross with KARL is hauled into               place.  KARL notices that there are no others being crucified               that day. It is getting darker.  KARL can see the lights of               Jerusalem in the distance.  He looks down and sees a woman.                She pauses and looks up at him.                                   KARL                         Monica?               She turns and walks away.  He feels the pain increase as the               pegs rip his flesh from the weight of his body.  It is full               dark.  He hears whispered voices below.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                             (with a cracked voice)                         Let me down.  Please.  Please.                          Stop it.                One of the men below looks up.  He nudges the man next to               him.                                   MAN 1                         You hear?  'Eloi, Eloi, lama                         sabachthani'?  'My God, my God, why                         hast thou forsaken me.'               They laugh.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  GOLGOTHA - IN THE HOURS BEFORE SUNRISE               There are very few spectators left.  Only a couple of Roman               guards stand watch.  KARL coughs.                                   GUARD 1                         It's funny.  Yesterday they were                         worshipping the bastard.  Today                         they seemed to want to kill him -                         even the ones who were closest to                         him.                                   GUARD 2                         I'll be glad when we get out of                         this country.               KARL coughs one more time.  His breathing is becoming more               shallow.  He mutters.                                   KARL                         It's a lie ... it's a lie ... it's a                         lie ...                With one last explosion of breath, KARL dies.               SLOW FADE OUT TO BLACK.               Graphic on screen:                 Later, after his body was stolen by the servants of some               doctors who believed it might be found to have special               properties, there were rumors that he had not died.  But the               corpse was already rotting in the doctor's dissecting rooms,               and would soon be destroyed.                                                       FADE TO BLACK.                                                        CLOSING CREDITS.
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.