BtM - 2003
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               EXT.  THE RIVER - NOON               The sun beats down upon the river - dry and brutally hot. It               is a solemn occasion.   JOHN is standing waist deep in the               river.  KARL is at the river's edge.  All along the banks,               the Essenes stand in silent witness.  The river flows               sluggishly toward the south.  JOHN beckons KARL.  Beads of               sweat form on KARL's forehead as he lowers himself into the               river and walks toward JOHN.  As KARL nears JOHN, he slips on               a rock on the river bottom.  JOHN reaches out to steady him.                KARL's head slips briefly below the surface.  His mouth fills               with water.  He begins to sputter and choke.                                   JOHN                             (shouting)                         Emmanuel!  The spirit of Adonai is                         with you!  I can feel His power.                         His glory. It is strong within you.                KARL can't catch his breath and begins to panic.  JOHN is               holding him upright by both arms.  KARL's face drains of all               color.  Raising his own arms, he falls forward grabbing JOHN.                                   KARL                         John!  You must baptize me!                JOHN's eyes widen in surprise.  All the Essenes on the               riverbank, as one, begin to hum and sway from side to side.               There are tears in KARL's eyes.  JOHN makes a decision.  He               puts his hands on KARL's shoulders and pushes him below the               surface.                                   JOHN                             (loudly)                         In the sight of Adonai!  In the                         spirit of His will!  You are                         baptized!                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE RIVER - CONTINUOUS               Muffled by the water, KARL hears JOHN's cries and the               response of the Essenes.  KARL loses his breath - his mouth               opens and he begins to swallow water.  Suddenly ...                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  ABOVE THE SURFACE OF THE RIVER - CONTINUOUS               JOHN pulls KARL up, lifting his head out of the river. Water               pours from KARL's mouth, then he begins to retch, then vomit.                JOHN holds him firmly as he guides KARL toward the riverbank.                The Essenes are chanting and swaying - louder and louder.                                   KARL                             (repeating)                         I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry ...                The Essenes are louder still.  JOHN drops KARL on the bank.               KARL, still retching, pushes himself up and stumbles away.               JOHN stands tall as he gazes at the Essenes.  Suddenly, he               raises his staff high � pointed toward heaven.  And, with a               slashing motion, points it toward the river.  The Essenes are               louder still.                                                       CROSSFADE TO:               EXT.  BARREN SCRUBLAND - EARLY MORNING               KARL begins to stir.  His loincloth is damp with dew.  It is               cold and the false dawn is gray.  He looks around.  He               removes his loincloth and scrubs his face with it.  He looks               down at his naked body.  He notices how thin he has become.                                   KARL                         I look like an Auschwitz victim.                Suddenly, he remembers the previous day.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         Oh, no.  What have I done?  Why did                         I do that?               KARL begins to sob.  Shortly it subsides.  KARL takes a deep               breath.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         I must get back.  Explain to John.                KARL rises and looks around.  He wraps the loincloth around               his waist.  He looks left, then right.  He scratches his               beard.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         Where am I?  And where's the camp?                KARL looks around again, picks a direction and begins walking               away.  The further he walks, the smaller he gets until he is               a dot on the horizon.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  DESERT - NOON               It is much hotter.  The air shimmers with the heat.  The               ground is even more barren.  KARL shuffles along.  He is near               exhaustion.  His skin burns, he is hungry, and he is very               thirsty.  There is no sign of anything to eat or drink. His               legs are becoming heavier and heavier.  He walks               mechanically.  He looks and sees a hill a few miles in the               distance.  With great effort, he turns and heads for the it.               The sandy soil explodes into clouds of dust as his feet               disturb it.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT. THE BASE OF THE HILLSIDE - LATER               Amid a featureless landscape, a bruised and bloodied KARL               stands at the base of the hillside.  He begins his ascent. It               is much more difficult than he could have imagined.  The               loose stones cause KARL to slip and fall on his face.  He               uses his torn hands and feet to brace himself � to stop his               slide back to the bottom.  Using split fingers, he grabs at               the tufts of grass and lichen - inching forward.  He lunges               at the larger outcroppings of rock and drags himself upward               toward the summit.  Mindless and driven he keeps moving under               the searing, relentless sun.  Dust cakes to the scant               moisture on his body.  His loincloth is in shreds.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE HILLSIDE - KARL'S P.O.V. - CONTINUOUS               The summit still seems so very distant.  The air shimmers.               The world begins to spin and ...                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  HILLSIDE - CONTINUOUS               KARL falls back - sliding back down to the bottom of the               mountain.  His thigh is gashed; his head is badly bruised.               KARL stops sliding.  He rights himself and begins climbing               again.  He is on his hands and knees.  On the burning rock.               He is no longer a man.  Time has lost all meaning.  He is               just the thing climbing the mountain.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE SUMMIT -  LATER               KARL reaches the summit and stops crawling.  He rolls on his               back and, for a while, lays there blinking.  Then he closes               his eyes.                                                       CROSSFADE TO:               EXT.  THE SUMMIT - EARLY EVENING               KARL lays quietly on the summit asleep.  His eyelids begin to               flutter.                                   MONICA (V.O.)                             (from everywhere and                              nowhere)                         Karl.  Karl.  Wake up, Karl.                KARL opens his eyes.  He raises himself on one arm.  He               begins to speak through cracked lips.                                   KARL                         Who ... ?  Where are you?  Who are                         you?                                   MONICA (V.O.)                         You don't even remember me.  Don't                         you remember?  You said you would                         always be with me.                                   KARL                         Monica?  But you're dead.  I saw                         you die.                                   MONICA (V.O.)                         You were my spirit.  My center.  My                         savior.                                   KARL                         No.  No.  Not your savior.  I loved                         you, but ...                                   MONICA (V.O.)                         But what?  You pulled me back from                         the abyss.  Because of you I was                         able to put my life back together.                          You became my life.  And then you                         changed.  You became hurtful,                         angry.  You hid behind your faith                         and used it as a weapon.  You                         distanced yourself.                                   KARL                         But, Monica ...                                   MONICA (V.O.)                         I BELIEVED IN YOU!  You were my                         hope! You were my light!  And you                         cast me aside.  In the end I knew I                         was empty inside without you.  I                         showed my anger, because I was                         afraid.  And in the end you                         betrayed our trust. I couldn't                         bear to go on.  You were my light.                          And it killed me.                KARL is silent.  The last of MONICA's words - "killed me" -               echo in the still night.  KARL pulls his ruined body to his               feet and stands on the summit of the hill and screams.  The               ravens are startled.  They wheel in the sky and fly away. The               sky is darkening.                                                       FADE TO BLACK.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A ROAD - DAY               KARL stumbles into a town.  There is an air of quiet madness               about him.  As he walks through the streets, dogs yap and nip               at his heels, while children laugh and throw pebbles at him.                He occasionally stops to talk to people, but they just shake               their heads and hurry away.  KARL continues to walk.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  ANOTHER ROAD - EARLY EVENING               KARL comes upon a group of Roman Legionnaires marching in the               opposite direction.  The CAPTAIN calls a halt and waits for               KARL's approach.                                   CAPTAIN                         You there.  Halt.               KARL comes to a stop before the CAPTAIN.                                   CAPTAIN (CONT'D)                         You seem in distress.  Tell me, is                         there someone, a friend or                         relative, we can take you to?                                   KARL                         No, sir.  The one who I seek is yet                         many miles distant.  And, I fear, I                         may miss our meeting if I tarry too                         long.                The CAPTAIN looks surprised.                                   CAPTAIN                         What?  You speak the language of                         Rome precisely.  Are you a Rabbi or                         scholar?                                   KARL                         No.  I am just a man.                                   CAPTAIN                             (taking pity on KARL)                         Well, Traveler, you appear hungry.                         Before you go on your way, accept                         this dried meat and water for your                         journey.                The CAPTAIN turns and takes a small package and a goatskin               bag of water from the man behind him.  He gives it to KARL.                                   KARL                         Thanks to you, sir.               The CAPTAIN calls his men to attention and, once again, they               begin their march.  They leave KARL standing in the middle of               the road as they pass.  Shortly, he is alone again.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A CROSSROADS - AFTERNOON               KARL comes upon a group of people emaciated as himself at the               crossroads.  He falls in with them.  They seem to be on a               pilgrimage.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A CAMPSITE ALONG THE ROAD - NIGHT               The group made camp and many are sitting around the campfires               - all are chanting in prayer.  KARL sits silently to one               side.  Occasionally, one or two come over to KARL and try to               engage him in conversation.  He remains silent.  Soon they               leave him alone.  As the fires die out, they stop praying and               lay down for sleep.  KARL stays sitting.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE ROAD - DAY               KARL is still with the group.  Some seem to be gravitating to               him � walking behind him.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  ANOTHER CAMPSITE - NIGHT               The group, with KARL among them, has set up camp for another               night.  The cooking pots are over the fires and a low murmur               of prayer is heard.  Suddenly, a group of soldiers on               horseback gallop through the camp, knocking over cooking pots               and scattering the people.  Someone shouts, "Herod's               Soldiers!".  The women are screaming and the men run off into               the night.  Shortly all have gone except two women and KARL.                The leader of the soldiers stops before KARL.  He dismounts,               grabs KARL by the hair and pulls him to his knees.  He spits               in KARL's face.                                   LEADER OF HEROD'S SOLDIERS                         Are you one of these rebels we have                         been hearing so much about?               KARL mutters and shakes his head.  The LEADER cuffs him. KARL               is so weak he falls to the ground.                                   LEADER                             (to his men)                         There are no arms here.  There are                         no rebels here.                          Just these miserable excuses for                         people.  We have been grossly                         misled.                He notices his soldiers eying the two women.                                   LEADER (CONT'D)                         Those two?  If you want them - if                         you are hard up enough - you can                         have them.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  KARL'S FACE AS HE LIES ON THE GROUND - CONTINUOUS               KARL lies there.  The grunts and laughter of the soldiers are               drowned out by the screams of the women.  Their agony, as               they are gang-raped, is reflected in KARL's eyes.  Soon the               screams die down - there is only the laughter and shouts of               the soldiers.  The LEADER calls for them to assemble. They               mount up and ride away.  KARL begins to weep.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  TOWN OF PELLA - DAY               KARL stops at an outdoor shop.  He is dressed in rags.  He               looks like a madman.  He beckons to the shopkeeper.                                   KARL                         Excuse me, sir.  I am looking for                         the way to Nazareth.                                   SHOPKEEPER                         Are you a seer or a prophet?  Do                         you need food or drink?                                   KARL                         That would be appreciated.  As                         would information about the road to                         Nazareth.                Suddenly, a woman stumbles to the shop and falls to the               ground before KARL.                                   WOMAN                         Oh, help me!  I am blind.  I am                         blind! My eyes!  My eyes!               KARL kneels down by the wailing woman.  He puts his hand on               the top of her head.  He slides his hand under her chin and               raises her face.  He puts his other hand over he eyes.                                   KARL                             (to the woman)                         Shhhhh.  (a pause.)  Close your                         eyes. Think of Adonai.  He loves                         you - He loves all of us.  He has                         sent us a gift of His love in the                         flesh of His Son.  (a pause.)  Open                         your eyes.               The WOMAN slowly opens her eyes.  She looks directly at KARL.                                   WOMAN                             (hushed)                         I can see.  (louder)  I can see!                         (shouting.)  I CAN SEE!                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  NAZARETH - DAY               Nazareth is a clean and prosperous town, thriving on Roman               commerce.  Only one or two beggars are on the street, and               they are well fed.  As KARL staggers through the market               square, people stare at him curiously, but with a little               suspicion.  He could be a wandering prophet, or possessed by               devils.  He could be a Zealot.  He shuffles up to one of the               beggars.                                   KARL                             (in a dry cracked voice)                         Please tell me - is this Nazareth?                                   BEGGAR                         Yes, it is.                                   KARL                         I seek a carpenter.                                   BEGGAR                         There are many here.  Nazareth is                         known as the city of carpenters.                                   KARL                         I seek a carpenter named Joseph.                                   BEGGAR                         There are many carpenters named                         Joseph as well.  A most popular                         name for carpenters, it seems.                                   KARL                         Descendant of David?  The husband                         of Mary?  The father of Jesus?                                   BEGGAR                         Oh, THAT carpenter named Joseph.                          Not one of the better ones.  And                         certainly one of the more                         disagreeable.                KARL is excited.  He is close , so close.                                   KARL                         Where can I find this Joseph?                                   BEGGAR                             (pointing)                         Down yonder street.  Just look for                         the man who never laughs.                KARL thanks him and staggers toward Joseph's house.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH - 15 MINUTES LATER               KARL observes a dour man sitting on a bench just outside the               doorway carving a bowl.  He notices that the planks of timber               leaning against the house are of poorer quality than those of               the neighboring carpenters.  KARL approaches the man and               touches him on the shoulder.  JOSEPH looks up.                                   JOSEPH                         Go away.  I have no money, and we                         have no food for beggars.                                   KARL                         No, you misunderstand.  I want                         nothing - just to ask a few                         questions.                                   JOSEPH                         Answers are free.  But my time is                         not. Quickly then.                                   KARL                         Are you Joseph, of David's line,                         husband of Mary, father of Jesus?                                   JOSEPH                         Aye, and father of several                         daughters as well.  Too many to                         feed.  Especially with things the                         way they are.                                   KARL                         I would like to see one of your                         children.  I would like to speak to                         Jesus.                                   JOSEPH                         That good-for-nothing.  What has he                         done now?  (a pause)  What are you                         - some kind of seer?  Have you come                         to help my son?                                   KARL                         I am a prophet of sorts.  I need to                         speak to Jesus.  I can foretell the                         future.                                   JOSEPH                             (rising)                         All right.  I don't have much time.                          I have a delivery to make in Nain.                          Let's go.  Quickly.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  JOSEPH'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS               The house was dark.  They enter the kitchen.  MARY is               standing near a large, clay stove.  She has long, black hair               hanging unbound and greasy.  Her eyes have a smoldering               sensuality.  She looks KARL up and down.                                   MARY                         I see you have found another well                         paying customer.                                   JOSEPH                         He is a prophet ...                                   MARY                         Oh, of course.  A prophet.  And                         probably hungry as well.                          We have no food for prophets and                         madmen.  That useless thing ...               She motions with her spoon at a huddled mass in the corner.                                   MARY (CONT'D)                         ... eats enough as it is.                                   JOSEPH                         He seeks our Jesus.  Perhaps he can                         ease our burden.               MARY looks at KARL again - closely.  She slowly licks her red               lips, letting her tongue linger in the corner of her mouth.                                   MARY                         Perhaps you may be right - I sense                         something about him.                                   KARL                             (hoarsely)                         Where is he?                MARY puts her hands under her large breasts and shifts them               under her rough dress.  She slides her hands down and slowly               rubs her belly.  She gives KARL a hooded look.                                   MARY                             (suddenly)                         Jesus!                The figure in the corner stirs, then rises.                                   MARY (CONT'D)                             (still staring at KARL)                         That's him.                The figure comes in to the light.  It is misshapen.  It has a               pronounced hunched back and there is a cast in its left eye.                The face is vacant and foolish.  There is spittle dried               around its lips and a strand of drool hangs in the corner of               its mouth.                                   KARL                             (shocked)                         Jesus?                The thing seems pleased to hear its name.  It starts to               giggle.  When it speaks the words are slurred and thick.                                   JESUS                             (singsong fashion)                         Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.                KARL is in shock.                                   MARY                         He's always been like that.  Addled                         inside and out.  You can have him                         if you want.  ( a beat.)  I was                         carrying him when my parents                         married me off to this half-man ...                                   JOSEPH                         You sow!  You shameless ...               JOSEPH stops himself.  MARY stares at him daring him to go               on.                                   JOSEPH (CONT'D)                         You had a good story for them,                         didn't you.  The oldest excuse                         ever.  Taken by an angel - taken by                         a devil more than likely ...                                   MARY                             (interrupting)                         Oh, yes.  He was a devil.  And he                         was a man.  A real man.                Before JOSEPH can respond, JESUS giggles again and lurches               into the other room.  JOSEPH runs after him.                                   JOSEPH                         No.  I will not have him wetting                         the floor in there again.               After JOSEPH is gone, MARY gives KARL an appraising look.                                   MARY                         If you really can tell fortunes,                         maybe you can come by sometime and                         tell mine. He is leaving tonight                         for Nain.                MARY licks her lips again.  JOSEPH re-enters the room with               JESUS in tow.  He put him on a stool in the corner.                                   JOSEPH                         Now stay there, bastard!                KARL can't take it anymore.  He turns and bolts from the               house.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE WALL OF THE SYNAGOGUE - NIGHT               KARL is sitting with his back against the wall.  His head               hangs down and his eyes are tightly closed.  His stomach               grumbles.  He is very hungry.                                   KARL                         I have seen the face of Jesus.                KARL opens his eyes and looks upward.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                             (quietly)                         I have found the one I sought.                KARL rises to his knees.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         There is no salve for the ache in                         my soul.               KARL rises and begins to stagger off down the street.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         I have seen the face of Jesus.  (a                         beat.)  And it is empty.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  JOSEPH'S HOUSE - LATER THAT NIGHT               MARY is sitting at the table.  She is alone.  The snoring of               JESUS in the next room can be heard.  There is a knock on the               door.  MARY rises.  She walks to the door and opens it. KARL               is standing there.                                   MARY                             (impatiently)                         I thought you weren't coming.  Come                         in if you're hungry.  (she winks.)                          Joseph has gone to Nain, but may be                         back tonight.  We must hurry.                As if in a trance, KARL allows MARY to lead him into the               house.                                   KARL                         I am hungry.               MARY sits him at the table.  She feeds him.  A meager meal,               but more than KARL has eaten in days.                                   MARY                         Hurry, now.               KARL finishes his meal.  MARY clears the bowls from the               table, then leads KARL to the center of the room.  His sun-               baked skin stretches taut over his emaciated frame.  His               loincloth hung in tatters from his waist.  MARY begins to               circle him like a cat in heat.  KARL stands still - very               still.  He is in shock from the ordeal of his journey and               his discovery about JESUS.  MARY unties the fasteners of her               dress.  It falls to the floor.  Her circle tightens.  Her               naked flesh begins to brush against KARL's naked flesh as she               continues her sensual journey around him.  She drops to her               knees in front of him.  She tears at his loincloth - pulling               it off - and tossing it aside.  She pushes him to the floor.                She takes him into her mouth.  KARL hears a strange sound               amidst the slurping and grunting.  He looks toward the door               to the other room and sees JESUS standing there watching.                JESUS is giggling, with spittle hanging from his chin - a               vacant look on his face.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  JOSEPH'S HOUSE - VERY EARLY MORNING               KARL exits the doorway.  He is dressed in a clean white robe.                MARY puts her hand out and grabs his shoulder.  Her other               hand goes down and holds his genitals through the robe.                                   MARY                         If you ever come back this way ...               KARL looks at her and briefly smiles.  He turns and walks up               the street.                                                       CUT TO:               INT. THE SYNAGOGUE - LATER THAT MORNING               The synagogue is cool and quiet.  The rabbis lead KARL into               the courtyard.  They all sit down in the center of the               courtyard under an olive tree.                                   ELDER RABBI                         As is our custom, we give shelter                         to wandering prophets.  Tell us, is                         there anything you wish to ask?                                   KARL                         Where is Christ?               The rabbis look at each other.  The word is unfamiliar.                                   ELDER RABBI                         Is that Greek?               KARL frowns, looking about.                                   KARL                             (rising)                         I must rest.                                   ELDER RABBI                         Wait.  Where are you from? KARL                         stands silently thinking of how to                         respond.                                   ELDER RABBI (CONT'D)                             (repeating)                          Where are you from?                A pause.  KARL looks at the ELDER RABBI.                                   KARL                             (murmurs)                         Ha-Olam Hab-Bah ...               KARL turns and walks away.  The rabbis repeat "Ha-Olam Hab-               Bah".                                   ELDER RABBI                             (looking at KARL as he                              moves away)                         'Ha-Olam Hab-Bah' - the world to                         come. 'Ha-Olam Haz-Zeh' - the world                         that is. Very strange.                Another rabbi rises and follows KARL.  He stops him.                                   RABBI 2                         Do you bring us a message?                                   KARL                         I do not know.  I must rest.  I am                         dirty.  I have sinned.                                   RABBI 2                         Come.  We will feed you and give                         you a place to sleep.  We will show                         you where to bathe and where to                         pray.                RABBI 2 looks back at the other rabbis and leads KARL off.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  A ROOM - NIGHT               KARL has been bathed and fed.  He is sleeping on a straw               filled mattress.  He begins to toss and turn.  And scream.               The rabbis stand by the open doorway looking in.  They glance               at each other.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE ROAD TO THE LAKE OF GALILEE - ONE MONTH LATER - DAY               They follow KARL now.  He is dressed in the white linen robe               the rabbis gave to him.  He stops occasionally and speaks to               the crowd of followers.  More join as the walk progresses.               Newcomers stop to listen - some stay.  When he enters               Capernaum, there are more than 50 people following.                                                       CUT TO:
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.