BtM - 2003
Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               EXT.  THE HILLSIDE - NIGHT               Hands pick up KARL and put him on a crudely made stretcher.               They carry him off.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  A CAVE.  MORNING               KARL lies on a mat of straw.  He is still unconscious. Hands               are washing him.  Removing the remnant of the dark liquid               that dried to his body.  He looks feverish.  His head begins               to rock back and forth.  He mumbles some words -               unintelligible.  His eyes open slowly.  We pull back to see               two men in sandals and loincloths are washing him.  KARL's               ribs are bound with sheepskin strips and leather thongs.                                                       CUT TO:               INT. A CAVE.  KARL'S P.O.V. - CONTINUOUS               The two men have swarthy Semitic features, large dark eyes               and full beards.  The taller one wears a length of cotton               pushed back over his shoulders.  They are holding large               earthenware jars.  They look directly at KARL.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  A CAVE - CONTINUOUS                                   KARL                             (weakly - in English)                         Do you speak English?               The two men look at each other.  One frowns, but the one with               the cotton cloak smiles.  They comment to each other in a               strange tongue.  The one with the cotton cloak kneels down               next to KARL.  He speaks directly to KARL in that strange               tongue.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                             (still weak and confused)                         I don't understand.  Where am I?                          Do you understand me?  Where is                         this?  Do you know Jesus?  The                         Nazarene?                Both of the men frown.  The one with the cloak rises.  The               shorter one repeats "Jesus.  Nazarene.",  but the words               appear to have no meaning.  However, the taller one looks               thoughtful and nods.  He kneels down again and puts his hand               on KARL's shoulder.                                   CLOAKED MAN                             (looking right into KARL's                              face)                         Nararene.                He shakes KARL's shoulder.                                   CLOAKED MAN (CONT'D)                             (repeating very                              definitely)                         Nazarene!                KARL passes out again.                                                       DISSOLVE TO:               EXT.  A FIELD - DAY               GRAPHIC bottom left: "Four weeks later." KARL walks into               view.  He skin has tanned.  He has a small beard, and his               hair is growing longer.  He is wearing only a loincloth.                There is a large man standing under an olive tree.  He holds               a staff.  KARL approaches him.  They both hunker down next to               each other under the olive tree.                                   LARGE MAN                         I understand that thee have learned                         our language well enough for                         conversation.                                   KARL                         More slowly, please.  I still find                         this very difficult.                                   LARGE MAN                             (considering then                              suddenly)                         Who art thou?                KARL hesitates.                                   LARGE MAN (CONT'D)                             (patiently)                         From where do you come?                                   KARL                             (cautiously)                         I am from the North.                                   LARGE MAN                         The North.  Not from Egypt?                                   KARL                         I came out of Egypt two year since.                The LARGE MAN nods.  Satisfied.  He rises and walks a few               steps.  KARL also rises.  He moves behind him - waiting.  He               abruptly turns - KARL stumbles backward.  The LARGE MAN puts               out a hand to steady him.                                   LARGE MAN                         So you are from Egypt.  That is                         what we thought.  And evidently you                         are a magus, with your strange                         speech, your strange ways and your                         strange iron chariot. Good.  Your                         name is Jesus, I am told, and you                         are a Nazarene.                                   KARL                             (shaking his head)                         No.  I seek Jesus, the Nazarene.                                   LARGE MAN                             (disappointed)                         Then what is your name?                KARL considers for a moment.                                   KARL                         My name is Emmanuel.               The LARGE MAN nods.  Seemingly satisfied.                                   LARGE MAN                         Emmanuel.  (rubbing his lips with                         the tip of his finger)  Emmanuel ...                         yes.                KARL is slightly confused by the reaction.                                   KARL                         And what is your name?               The LARGE MAN looks at him.                                   LARGE MAN                         You do not know me?               KARL shakes his head.                                   LARGE MAN (CONT'D)                         You have not heard of John, called                         the Baptist?               KARL - trying to hide his surprise.                                   JOHN THE BAPTIST                             (nodding)                         You do know of me, I see.               They are silent for a moment.  JOHN combs his beard with his               fingers.                                   JOHN                         Well, magus, now I must decide, eh?                                   KARL                             (hesitantly)                         What must you decide?                                   JOHN                         If you be the friend of the                         prophesies or the false one we have                         been warned against by Adonai.                                   KARL                             (nervously)                         I have made no claims.  I am merely                         a stranger, a traveler ...                                   JOHN                             (laughing)                         Aye, a traveler in a magic                         chariot.  My brothers tell me they                         saw it arrive. There were sounds                         like thunder and great flashes of                         light and all at once your                         chariot was there rolling on the                         hillside.  My brothers have seen                         many wonders, but none so wondrous                         as the appearance of your chariot.                                   KARL                             (quickly)                         The chariot is not magic.  It is                          a kind of engine - the Romans have                         such things.  You must have heard                         of them. They are made by ordinary                         men, not sorcerers ...                JOHN face darkened.  He moves back to sit beneath the olive               tree.  He strokes his beard.                                   JOHN                         Aye, like the Romans.  The Romans                         would deliver me into the hands of                         my enemies, the children of Herod.               KARL sits next to him.  Trying to gain his confidence.                                   KARL                         Why is that?                                   JOHN                             (matter-of-factly - with                              no hint of insanity or                              fanaticism in his voice)                         You must know why.  Do I not speak                         against the Romans who enslave                         Judea? Do I not speak against the                         unlawful things that Herod does?                          Do I not prophesy the time when all                         those who are not righteous shall                         be destroyed and Adonai's kingdom                         will be restored to Earth as the                         old prophets said it would be?  I                         say to the people, 'Be ready for                         that day when ye shall take up the                         sword to do Adonai's will.'  The                         unrighteous know they will perish                         on this day, and they would destroy                         me.                                   KARL                         You are arousing the people to rid                         the land of the Romans, is that it?                                   JOHN                         Aye, the Romans and their creature                         Herod.                                   KARL                         And who would you put in their                         place?                                   JOHN                         The rightful king of Judea.                                   KARL                         And who is that?               JOHN frowns and gives KARL a sidelong glance.                                   JOHN                         Adonai will tell us.  He will give                         us a sign when the rightful king                         comes.                                   KARL                         Do you know what the sign will be?                                   JOHN                         I will know it when it comes.                                   KARL                         There are prophesies, then?                                   JOHN                         Aye, there are prophesies ...                JOHN abruptly rose.  He seemed to be carrying the weight of               the world.                                   JOHN (CONT'D)                         I must meditate.  I must pray.  You                         will remain here with the Essenes                         until guidance is sent to me.                JOHN turns and strides away. KARL begins to walk back to the               settlement.  Everyone gives him a wide berth.  He reaches the               cave and enters.  It's warm and humid in the cave.  KARL lays               back on the straw mat.  He starts to fall asleep.                                                       CROSSFADE TO:               EXT.  THE ESSENE ENCAMPMENT - LATER               MULTIPLE CUTS TO:  VARIOUS SCENES OF KARL AND THE ESSENES.               KARL sits and watches them work.  Their minor religious               rites.  Scenes showing everyday life - most men, few women.               Slowly, as KARL's wounds heal, he becomes more an active               participant in their daily routines.  As this occurs, a               fuller picture of their lives unfolds.  Ritual bathing,               prayer at meals - at dawn and dusk as well - and work.  The               overriding features are peace and order.  Much like a               monastery.  Plowing fields, tending goats, and prayer.               Whenever KARL can - when he is tending goats on the hillside -               his eyes search the horizon.  He wonders which is the way to               Jesus.  The longer he stays the more he notices - baptismal               rites, self-motification, starvation.  All these were               performed in strange religious rituals - chanting under the               hot sun.  Hallucinations were the result.  They were               "talking" to their God.  Soon KARL follows suit - taken up               with their ways.  However it is apparent that, while he               hallucinates, he never achieves the level that the Essenes               reach.  One day, they take him to the river and baptize him               There is much swaying and chanted prayer.                                   AN ESSENE                             (as he pushes KARL beneath                              the surface)                         We baptize thee, Emmanuel!                KARL bursts from beneath the surface.  He is euphoric and               happier than he has ever been.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  A HILLSIDE - EARLY EVENING               KARL has been tending goats.   As he rounds them up he               notices JOHN THE BAPTIST, accompanied by 20 of his closest               disciples, striding over the hills toward the Essene               encampment.  KARL waits for JOHN's approach.  JOHN walks up               to KARL, looks once, twice then recognition dawns.                                   JOHN                             (surprised)                         But wait, yes.  (a beat)  Well,                         Emmanuel, you have become an                         Essene, I see.  Have they baptized                         you yet?                                   KARL                             (nodding)                         They have.                                   JOHN                             (absently)                         Good.                John takes KARL aside.  JOHN has a grim look on his face. He               looks at the ground.                                   JOHN (CONT'D)                         I have been to Jerusalem.  (a                         beat.)  To see friends.                                   KARL                             (tentatively)                         And what was the news from                         Jerusalem?                JOHN looks directly at KARL.                                   JOHN                             (candidly)                         That you are probably not a spy of                         Herod or the Romans.                                   KARL                             (relieved)                         I am glad you have decided that.                KARL smiles.  JOHN's expression softens.  He smiles, too, and               grasps KARL by the upper arm in Roman fashion.                                   JOHN                         So, you are our friend.  Perhaps                         more than just our friend ...                                   KARL                             (confused)                         I do not follow you.                                   JOHN                             (knowingly)                         I think you know what I mean.                KARL still looks confused.  He is about to speak.                                   JOHN (CONT'D)                         No.  Say nothing now.  Eat with me                         tonight.  I have wild honey and                         locusts.                JOHN and his disciples stride away, leaving KARL bewildered               and wondering what tonight will bring.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  A TWO ROOM HOUSE - NIGHT               The dining room is barely furnished.  JOHN and KARL sit cross               legged on cotton mats at a low table with several bowls of               food on it.  The room is lit by candles - wicks floating in               bowls of oil.  They are alone.  JOHN waves his hand at the               food.                                   JOHN                         Begin!               They eat - KARL tentatively, JOHN with relish.  From outside               comes low murmurs and the moans and cries of those at prayer.                KARL dips another locust in the bowl of honey.                                   KARL                         Why did you wish to see me, John?                                   JOHN                         Because it is time.                                   KARL                         Time for what?  Do you plan to lead                         the people of Judea in revolt                         against the Romans?               As soon as KARL says this, he senses he has breached               etiquette.  JOHN seems disturbed by the question, but forges               on.                                   JOHN                             (carefully)                         If it be Adonai's will.                                   KARL                         And the Romans know of this?                                   JOHN                         I am not sure, Emmanuel.  Herod the                         incestuous has doubtless told them                         that I speak against the                         unrighteous.                                   KARL                         Yet the Romans do not arrest you.                                   JOHN                         Pilate dare not - not since the                         petition was sent to the Emperor                         Tiberius.                                   KARL                         Petition?                                   JOHN                             (with fire in his eyes)                         Aye, the one that Herod and the                         Pharisees signed when Pilate the                         procurator did place votive shields                         in the palace at Jerusalem and seek                         to violate the Temple.  Tiberius                         rebuked Pilate and since then,                         though he still hates the Jews, the                         procurator is more careful of his                         treatment of us.                KARL sees an opening to get a time reference.                                   KARL                         Tell me, John, has Tiberius reigned                         - how long is it now - fourteen                         years?                                   JOHN                             (absently)                         Aye, he is now in his fourteenth                         year.                JOHN and KARL grow silent.  KARL remembers something.                                   KARL                             (carefully)                         And you do not fear Herod?  Could                         he ever be so bold as to seek your                         murder?                                   JOHN                         He is a dangerous man, but foolish.                         Now, he is more concerned with                         Salome.                JOHN chuckles.  KARL looks grim, knowing Salomes' yet               unspoken request.  They grow silent again.  JOHN raises his               head and stares directly at KARL.  A moment passes - then               two.                                   KARL                         I play some part in this, don't I?                                   JOHN                         You were sent by Adonai to                         accomplish His will.                                   KARL                         How can I help you?                                   JOHN                         You are a magus.                                   KARL                         I am no worker of miracles!                                   JOHN                         I cannot believe that, Emmanuel.                          The manner of your very coming was                         miraculous.  The Essenes did not                         know whether you were a devil or a                         messenger from Adonai.  And you                         continue to confuse us.  I know                         that you are Adonai's messenger.                          You are the sign that the Essenes                         sought.  The time is almost upon                         us.  The kingdom of Heaven shall                         soon be established on earth. Come                         with me!  Tell the people you speak                         with Adonai's voice!  Work great                         miracles!               JOHN has risen.  KARL rises also.                                   KARL                         No, John.  I am merely a man.  I                         can work no miracles.               JOHN looks directly at KARL.                                   JOHN                         Are you not a magus, coming in that                         chariot from nowhere?               JOHN waves his arms.                                   JOHN (CONT'D)                         My men saw you!  They saw the                         shining thing take shape in the                         air, crack and let you enter out of                         it.  Is that not magical?  The                         prophet said that a magus would                         come from Egypt and be called                         Emmanuel.  So it is written in the                         Book of Micah!  Are none of these                         true?                KARL is flustered - unable to come up with a quick               explanation.                                   KARL                         Most of them.  But there are                         explanations - I am an ordinary                         man, like you.  I have no power to                         work miracles!  I am just a man!                JOHN grows silent.  He glowers at KARL.                                   JOHN                         You mean you refuse to help us?                                   KARL                         I am grateful to you and the                         Essenes. You saved my life almost                         certainly.  If I can repay that ...               JOHN cuts him off.                                   JOHN                         You can repay it, Emmanuel.  You                         can repay it by being the great                         magus I need.  Let me present you                         to all those who become impatient                         and would turn away from Adonai's                         will.  Let me tell them of the                         manner of your coming to us.  Then                         you can say that all is Adonai's                         will and that they must prepare to                         accomplish it.               JOHN stares intently at KARL.                                   JOHN[CONT'D]                         Will you, Emmanuel?               KARL trying to reason with JOHN.                                   KARL                         John, there is no way that I can                         help you without deceiving you, or                         myself, or the people ...                                   JOHN                             (thoughtfully)                         Perhaps you are unaware of your                         destiny. Why should you not be?                          Indeed, if you made great claims, I                         would be much more suspicious of                         you.  Emmanuel, will you not take                         my word that you are the one who it                         was prophesied would come?                                   KARL                             (nearly defeated)                         John, you are desperate for a sign.                          But what if I help you and the true                         magus should come ...                                   JOHN                         He has and you are he.  I have                         prayed and I know.               KARL stands silently.  JOHN approaches and firmly grabs him               around both upper arms in the Roman style.                                   JOHN[CONT'D]                         Emmanuel, will you not help the                         people of Judea?               KARL looks deeply into JOHN's eyes.                                   KARL                         Let me think, John.  Let me sleep.                          Come to me in the morning and I                         will tell you then.               KARL smiles, then turns and walks out the door.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  OUTSIDE THE HOUSE - CONTINUOUS               KARL breathes in the night air.  He looks back at the house               and then begins walking back to his cave.                                                       CUT TO:                 EXT.  OUTSIDE KARL'S CAVE - LATER               KARL sits down on a rock at the mouth of the cave.  He looks               up at the night sky.                                   KARL                             (to himself)                         Whew.  I am in something and in                         deep.                         (a pause)  Tiberius has been                         emperor for 14 years, that means                         there is less than a year to the                         crucifixion - still time. And now                         John needs me to help him.                KARL picks up a few loose stones and begins tossing them up               and down - up and down.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                         That's more power than I ever                         wanted. (a pause) But what a                         chance.  I could be the one                         responsible for helping the Jews                         throw out the Romans.  I could                         alter history.               KARL sits for a few moments more, then gets up and enters the               cave.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  KARL'S CAVE -  MORNING               KARL's eyes flutter open.  He sits up and stretches.  There               is a jug of water against one wall.  KARL walks over to it               and takes a drink.  Then splashes some on his face.  He walks               out the opening.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  KARL'S CAVE - CONTINUOUS               As KARL emerges from the cave, he sees JOHN sitting under a               nearby tree.  JOHN is alone.  When JOHN sees him, JOHN rises               and walks toward KARL.                                   JOHN                         Well, Emmanuel?               KARL scratched his beard.                                   KARL                             (nodding)                         Very well, John.  I will help you                         because you befriended me and saved                         my life.  But you must not put too                         much faith in my powers.                                   JOHN                         I have absolute faith in them.                                   KARL                         I hope you will not be                         disappointed.                                   JOHN                         I know I will not be.               JOHN put his hand on KARL's arm.                                   JOHN (CONT'D)                         You shall baptize me on the morrow,                         to show all the people that Adonai                         is with us.  (with fervor.)  We                         shall forge a great compact with                         the Essenes and throw off the yoke                         of Rome.               KARL put his hand on JOHN's arm.  He begins to smile at the               thought.  JOHN begins to laugh, first uncertainly, then more               spontaneously.  KARL starts to laugh as well.   They are               uncontrollable in their laughter.                                                       CUT TO:               INT.  KARL'S CAVE - EARLY MORNING               The cave is dimly lit.  KARL awakes with a start.                                   KARL                             (anguished)                         NO!!                KARL rolls over and up on his knees.  He brings his hands up               to his face - covering it.                                   KARL (CONT'D)                             (aloud - echoing in the                              cave)                         NO!!   What am I doing!  Who do I                         think I am!  It's an impossibility                         for me to even exist here.  What is                         the matter with me.  I am losing                         focus on why I'm here.  I'm letting                         John wrap me up in his crazy                         scheme.  Remember - Jesus. Jesus.                          Need to find Jesus.  Not much time.                          Need to go.                KARL rises and stumbles out the opening.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  OUTSIDE THE CAVE - CONTINUOUS               KARL stumbles away down the hill to the river's edge.  KARL               falls into the river.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  THE RIVER - CONTINUOUS               KARL pulls his head up water streaming from his long wild               hair and beard.  As the splashing dies down, he sees his               reflection in the water.  His hair is long, black and matted,               his beard covering the whole of his lower face.  His eyes               slightly mad.  There is nothing to distinguish him from any               one of the Essenes.  There is something familiar to him about               his current appearance.  Calming.  KARL sits back in the               water, staring straight ahead.                                   KARL                             (as if a great weight has                              been lifted)                         Yes.  I see.  I know what I must                         do.  I know I must help John.  As                         He would have helped him - as He                         did help him.  And then ... ( a                         beat.)  I must find Him.  I must                         find Him before it's too late.  I                         must do what I came here to do.                          It's the only way.                KARL rises from the water, turns and walks back to his cave.                                                       CUT TO:               EXT.  OUTSIDE KARL'S CAVE - LATER THAT MORNING               JOHN is alone - standing by the opening.                                   JOHN                             (calling to KARL)                         It is time, magus.  It is time.                KARL comes out of the cave.  He walks up to JOHN.                                   KARL                         John, are you sure?               JOHN turns and marches off toward the river.                                   JOHN                         Come.  They are waiting.                KARL watches JOHN's back for a moment and then follows.                                   KARL                             (to himself)                          Yes, they are waiting.  And so is                         your destiny.                KARL follows JOHN to the river.                                                       CUT TO:
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.