Behold the Man - 2003-1
Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               The ceiling is high.  There are small windows around the
               perimeter at the top of the walls.  They let in narrow bands
               of light.  The are areas of extreme brightness and darkness.
               There is the sound of a shower running.  Eerie echoes fill
               the room.  A crowd of naked teenage boys, between 13 and 16,
               stands in a circle in the center of the shower room.  They
               are hooting and laughing.  They appear to be urinating on
               something.  A large male teacher enters.

                         Hey, now.  What's going on.  Break
                         it up you boys.  Time for your next

               They separate to reveal another boy, about 14, on his knees
               in the center of the circle.  The boys were pissing on him.
               He is very quiet, with his eyes shut.  Around his neck is a
               chain with several crucifixes.

                                   TEACHER (CONT'D)
                             (walking toward the boy)
                         Karl?  Karl?  Is that you?  What is
                         it, young man?  Didn't you hear me? 
                         Hurry up or you will be late for

               KARL doesn't move.  His eyes stay tightly shut.  His lips are
               mouthing words � the same words � over and over again. "Jesus
               loves me.  Jesus loves me.  Jesus loves me." The TEACHER
               walks up to KARL.

                                   TEACHER (CONT'D)
                         Karl.  Don't you hear me?  Let's
                         go, boy.  Let's not be tardy. 

               KARL's chant of "Jesus loves me" continues throughout, and
               builds in volume and intensity throughout the scene.

                             (quietly - eyes still
                         Jesus loves me.  Jesus loves me. 
                         Jesus loves � 

               The TEACHER leans over to shake KARL.

                         Karl?  Karl?  (shocked.)  Oh, my
                         God! That stench!  My God it's
                         piss!  Boy, you're kneeling in a
                         pool of piss!

                             (louder, building - eyes
                              still tightly shut)
                         Jesus loves me.  Jesus loves me. 

               The TEACHER, recognizing what has gone on, grabs KARL by the
               hair in an attempt to pull him to his feet.  He is obviously

                             (getting out of control)
                         Get up!  Get up, God Damn You! 

               The TEACHER violently pulls his hand away, causing KARL to
               fall backwards onto the floor, and brings it to his nose -
               smelling it � he smells the urine.  He is revolted.

                             (louder and louder, eyes
                              still shut)
                         Jesus loves me.  JESUS LOVES ME. 
                         JESUS LOVES �

                             (out of control,
                         SHUT UP, you fucking freak!  What
                         is the matter with you?!  (a beat) 
                         Get up. Get up! DAMN YOU FUCKING
                         SHIT TO HELL! GET UP. 

               KARL's eyes snap open.  He is shouting now.  He is looking
               directly into the eyes of the teacher.  He slowly gets up.
               Still staring, never blinking � still shouting his mantra
               "JESUS LOVES ME!"  He approaches the TEACHER � slowly.  The
               TEACHER is frozen in fear/rage/helplessness.  Like a snake
               and snake charmer.  KARL closes on the TEACHER until he is
               inches from him.  Spittle flys from KARL's mouth as he
               screams � his voice cracking at the volume � his eyes dead as
               glass � and sprays the TEACHER.  The TEACHER � terror in his
               eyes � backs away slowly toward the door.  KARL doesn't move,
               but continues to lock his stare on the eyes of the TEACHER �
               still screaming.  Finally the TEACHER reaches the door � only
               then can he break the stare and escape.  The door slams shut. 
               KARL is alone in this dark/light place with the eerie echoes. 
               He still screams.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:


               KARL is on the couch wrapped in a blanket.  He hasn't shaved
               for quite a while. 
               He is staring at the TV which is on but showing only
               interference and blaring white noise.  All the shades are
               drawn.  The room has many, many crucifixes on the walls, with
               pictures of Jesus and other religious articles either hanging
               or on tables.  There is a banging on the door.  KARL acts as
               if he hears nothing.  The banging continues.

                             (shouting through the
                         Karl!  Karl!  Open up!  Karl! 

               KARL sits up on the couch.  The blanket falls away.  He has
               scratched crosses on his arms and chest.  He stares blankly
               at the TV.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         Karl, I know you're in there.  No
                         one has seen you for days.  Open
                         the door. Talk to me.  (a beat) 
                         Karl � today's her funeral.  She
                         loved you.  And I thought you loved
                         her.  Please come out.

               KARL is motionless.  Except his eyes.  They begin to well up
               with tears.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         Karl, please.  You saved her.  I
                         remember.  So do you � I know you
                         do. You brought her back to life. 
                         From the brink of a hell no one
                         should be in. 

               The tears slowly begin to fall down KARL's cheek.  One. Then
               another.  KARL's begins to silently mouth some words.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         She would want you there.  Her
                         savior. She told me, you know. 
                         That's what she called you.  Never
                         to your face, but that was how she
                         felt.  You were her world � her

               The tears are coming quicker and quicker.  KARL begins to sob
               uncontrollably.  Still mouthing the words.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         You need to be there.  Just to tell
                         her "Goodbye".  (a beat)  You were
                         there when she died.  You know. 
                         You need to do this, and not just
                         for her � but for you, too.

               KARL has sunk to his knees � the blanket pooled around him.
               The tears flowing.

                             (just loud enough to hear)
                         Not me.  Never me.  Can't do it. 
                         Not me.  Never me.  Can't do it. 
                         Not �

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON is dressed in a dark suit � appropriate for the
               funeral.  He looks at the door.  He backs up until he touches
               the wall behind.  He slides down until he is seated on the
               floor.  He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, extracts one, puts
               it in his mouth and lights it.  He takes a deep drag.  Blows
               it out in one continuous stream.

                             (to himself)
                         Oh, Karl, you sad fuck.  Nobody can
                         hate you more than you hate

               HEADINGTON takes another drag, looks at the cigarette and
               rubs it out on the floor.  He rises, gives one last look at
               KARL's door and walks down the hallway.

                                                       CUT TO:


               KARL is sitting in the middle of the floor, still crying,
               still repeating the words, "Not me.  Never me.  Can't do
               it.".  He is holding a length of orange extension cord.  He
               is tying a noose.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:

               INT.  A BASEMENT - EVENING

               KARL and HEADINGTON stumble down the stairs.  They are both
               holding beer bottles and it is very apparent that they have
               been drinking.

                         � right this way.  You are about to
                         see the discovery of the ages.

                         You're kidding, right?  I mean all
                         this time travel baloney is just
                         that � right?  (a beat)  C'mon. 
                         It's not my birthday � I know I
                         didn't win anything � this is a
                         joke � right?

               HEADINGTON is at the bottom of the stairs.  He turns to face

                         You hurt me, sir.  I, who has an IQ
                         approaching 200, does not bullshit. 
                         Or is that "do not bullshit"? 

               KARL passes HEADINGTON at the bottom of the stairs and stands
               in the center of the room.

                         Headie � James, listen to me.  I've
                         known you since Freshman year. 
                         You've always spouted off on these
                         theories of time travel, and we've
                         always laughed. You, too.  Now you
                         bring me down to your "secret
                         laboratory" and tell me that all
                         that shit is true.

               HEADINGTON walks over to a chair and sits.

                         Yeah, I laughed.  Because I
                         couldn't prove them.  But that
                         doesn't mean I didn't believe in
                         them.  (pause)  You know why we get
                         along so well?  Two totally
                         different types? 
                         You are immersed in Philosophy,
                         specifically Christian philosophy. 
                         You don't know the difference
                         between a molecule and a mackerel �
                         a tangent and a tangerine. I, on
                         the other hand, embrace the
                         sciences � quantum physics �
                         calculus � and don't know the
                         difference between � oh shit, I
                         don't know enough about any of that
                         to even make a comparison -  but I
                         love you.  We laugh at each others
                         ideas, but never in a mean-spirited
                         way. We know that we respect each
                         other enough so that it's not a
                         threat.  (a beat)  We stay out of
                         each others shit, you know.  That's
                         why it works.  (pause) That and
                         loads of fuckin' alcohol. 

               HEADINGTON begins to laugh.  So does KARL.  They embrace.

                         OK, asshole.  Show me the goods.

                         One thing.  I gotta get your word
                         that you won't reveal what I show
                         you.  To anyone.  It's not
                         perfected yet.  And this � no shit
                         � is really big.

                         Hey, man.  If you invented a time
                         machine � and I tell � you can go
                         back in time and kick my ass.  See
                         that way I won't be waiting �

               HEADINGTON throws a mock punch.

                         Why did I pick an imbecile as my
                         confidante?  Are there no worthy
                         sidekicks left in the world?
                         (pause) Come on. 

               HEADINGTON leads KARL over to a steel door locked with
               several padlocks.  He begins to unlock them.

                             (in a Boris Karloff voice)
                         Come into my laboratory.  Maybe you
                         can get "a head" in life � or an
                         arm or leg or � 

               HEADINGTON unlocks the last lock, pulls the handle and swings
               the door open wide.

                                   KARL (CONT'D)
                         � holy shit.

                                                       CUT TO:


               Everything looks new and very high tech.  Equipment with
               dials and computer set-ups dominate the perimeter.  In the
               center of the room is a table covered with a black cloth. At
               one end of the table is an ebony ball on a pedestal.  On the
               other end is a pillow.

                         Where did all this stuff come from. 
                         It must be worth a fortune.

                         Remember, I have a trust fund. 
                         Good science takes money, I'm just
                         glad I have lots of it. 

               Suddenly there is a "pop" and about 2 feet above the pillow
               another ebony ball appears.  It drops and lands safely in the
               center of the pillow.   KARL looks at the ball, then at
               HEADINGTON.  HEADINGTON looks at his watch.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                             (to himself, writing in a
                         7:43 p.m.  OK.

                             (still amazed)
                         What was that?   And what are you

               HEADINGTON closes his notebook and looks up.

                         That, my dear and disbelieving
                         friend, was the result of a time
                         travel experiment I will be
                         performing later. As to the writing
                         � I just need to remind myself of
                         the arrival time. 

               HEADINGTON walks over to the table and beckons to KARL to
               follow.  He picks up the ball and presses a small button on
               its side.  It pops open to reveal a mouse.  Very much alive.

                         I can't believe .. OK, is this a
                         trick? A Sigfried and Roy thing?

                         No, no, no.  Stick around � you can
                         watch me do the front half of this
                         little experiment.  When we're done
                         we'll go to our favorite bar and
                         drink ourselves stupid.  Some of us
                         don't have that far to go.

               KARL throws a mock punch.

                         You will believe, you know.  You
                         may not understand, but you will
                         believe.  (a beat)  Hmmmmm, I think
                         we are gonna be way too excited
                         tonight to sit in the bar without
                         talking about this.  I know �

                         What are you talking about?  I am
                         going to help you with an
                         experiment?  That mouse?  Russian?

                         Yes!  First, I will finish
                         convincing you by completing the
                         "Captain Mousie in the Great
                         Beyond" experiment.  I have to have
                         sent him back - since he's here.
                         And then � CODE WORDS. 
                         In the bar, whenever we want to
                         say, "Oh, shit � Time Travel" we
                         have to yell out a Russian word. 
                         Our code words.

                         Pal, my head hurts already. 

               HEADINGTON throws his arm around KARL's shoulders and laughs. 
               He brings him toward the other end of the table.

                         Ti - i � i - me is on my side, yes
                         it is.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:


               HEADINGTON is standing at the top of the stairs, smoking a
               cigarette.  Suddenly, a thought strikes him.  A bad thought.
               He quickly tosses the cigarette, turns and re-enters the

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON is running up the stairs taking two at a time.

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON hurries to the door.

                             (to himself)
                         You bastard � no � no � 

               HEADINGTON throws himself against the door � again and again. 
               The wood begins to splinter and break.  Finally the door pops

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON enters the apartment.  Through the gloom he can
               see KARL. Hanging from a pipe in the kitchen.

                         Oh, No!  Oh, fuck.  Oh, no.

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON rushes in.  A chair lays on it's side - he almost
               trips over it.  KARL's body is slowly twisting � to and fro.
               HEADINGTON rights the chair, climbs on it and grabs KARL �
               lifting him to take the pressure off of his neck.

                         C'mon, you fucker!  Breathe! 

               HEADINGTON uses one hand to pull the noose from around KARL's
               neck.  As he pulls it free, he loses his balance and they
               fall to the floor � HEADINGTON on the bottom.  He quickly
               gets up, examines KARL and tries to administer CPR.

               He listens to KARL's chest, checks his pulse at the neck and
               holds his hand near KARL's mouth.

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         Yes!  Yes!  You're gonna make it �
                         stick with me.  Stick with me. 

               HEADINGTON gets to his feet and looks around the kitchen �
               searching.  His eyes see the phone in the living room.

                                                       CUT TO:


               HEADINGTON races to the phone, picks it up and dials.  He
               looks at the clock on the wall.

                         Hello � hello.  (pause)  Yes, this
                         is an emergency.  My friend has
                         hung himself. (pause)  No, he's not
                         dead.  I took him down.  I need an
                         ambulance, damn it! Right now! 
                         (pause)  It's 24 Cambridge Street,
                         apartment 516.  (pause) Glogauer,
                         Karl Glogauer.  (pause)  OK.
                         (hangs up) Oh, Jesus - Oh, Jesus
                         Christ in heaven.  Don't you
                         fuckin' die. 

               HEADINGTON looks at KARL.  He quickly crosses to him.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:


               An older man and woman are sitting at a small conference �
               going through some papers.

                             (looking at some papers)
                         This next one � Glogauer, Karl �

                                   MR. DWIGHT
                             (looking up)
                         Yes, Marge.  I've read that report.
                         Quite sad really.

                         I agree, Mr. Dwight, there are some
                         things here that are not right �
                         not right at all.

                                   MR. DWIGHT
                         Well, now.  We can't be bothered
                         with that.  Look right here.  A
                         glowing recommendation from Brother
                         Paulus.  He is a good man - I know
                         him well.  If he suspected
                         something, I am sure he would have
                         investigated.  (a beat)  Why, you
                         know, I am going to take an active
                         interest in this case.  Yes, I will
                         take this young boy under my wing. 
                         Take good care of him.  (a smile) 
                         Just like our good Brother Paulus.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:


               KARL and HEADINGTON are sitting across from each other.
               HEADINGTON is in an armchair, KARL is on the couch.  There is
               a scar around KARL's neck.  He looks thinner, more drawn. His
               eyes are flat and glassy.

                         Karl.  Karl?

               KARL gives his head a little shake and looks over at a
               picture of MONICA.

                         It's really my fault, you know.

                         What?  What are you � .  Oh.

                         I am responsible.  (He picks up
                         MONICA's picture.)  She believed in
                         me.  She believed in everything I
                         told her.  I just couldn't measure
                         up.  I'm alone, Headie, so alone.

                         Karl.  Listen to me.  You are not
                         responsible.  No one can take
                         responsibility for someone else's
                         life. (a beat)  Monica made her
                         choices.  For good or bad.  And
                         you're not alone.

               KARL focuses on HEADINGTON.  He sadly shakes his head again.
               He puts his hand to his throat and pulls several chains full
               of different crucifixes out of his shirt.  He cups them in
               his hands and kisses them.

                             (eyes closed)
                         Jesus is my savior; Jesus is my
                         protector; Jesus is my Lord.  Why
                         have you forsaken me and left me to
                         wallow alone in this valley of
                         despair. Take me � please � into
                         your sacred Heart. 

               KARL begins to rock back and forth on the couch - whispering
               "Jesus is my savior; Jesus is my protector � " over and over. 
               HEADINGTON stares at KARL.  Tears fill his eyes.  He leans
               toward KARL and gently places his hand on KARL's shoulder.

                         Karl.  (a beat)  You're going to do
                         it again, aren't you? 

               KARL looks at HEADINGTON.  A slight nod.

                         It's the only way.  I must see
                         Jesus.  I must be cleansed.  I must
                         find out where the cruelty � the
                         hate filled impulse - came from.  I
                         let her down, James.  You know I
                         was her light.  I led her from the
                         darkness � and then pushed her into
                         the abyss.  Me.  Me!

                         NO!  You were her friend � her
                         lover. But nothing more.  You
                         weren't her God! 

               KARL begins to chant "Jesus is my savior; Jesus is my
               protector; Jesus is my Lord � " again and again � very

                                   HEADINGTON (CONT'D)
                         Karl, please.  Don't try to kill
                         yourself again.  It would be a
                         waste.  A terrible waste.  C'mon. 
                         You're my closest friend �
                         (loudly.)  Listen to me, Damn it! 
                         You gotta get help.  The doctors at
                         the hospital are willing to help
                         you.  You just gotta try!  Please.

                         � is my protector;  Jesus is my
                         Lord � Jesus is my savior; �

               HEADINGTON is frantic by now.  He stands.  His eyes dart
               around the room � vainly looking for an answer � something.
               Suddenly it comes to him.

                             (turning to look at KARL)
                         I can get you there � alive.

               KARL's chant falters then stops altogether.

                         What?  What do you mean? 

               HEADINGTON begins to pace back and forth in front of KARL.

                         I can have you meet Jesus, if you
                         really want to.  And do it alive.

                             (more confused)
                         I don't understand what you're
                         talking about. 

               HEADINGTON stops pacing and faces KARL.

                         Time travel, my friend.  Don't you
                         remember � you saw it.  The mouse? 

               KARL begins shaking his head.

                         No � no � no � no.  That was just a
                         trick.  Monica made me see that. 
                         You were messing with my head.  She
                         helped me see that.

                         I wasn't.  (a beat)  I've done it. 
                         All sorts of things.  Backward
                         only, but I've God Damned done it!

                             (shaking his head)
                         No � no � no � no - �

                             (sitting next to KARL)
                         Listen to me.  Very carefully.  I. 
                         Can. Send.  You.  Back.  Not in a
                         dream � not metaphorically � and
                         most definitely not a trick.  This
                         is the truth.  And it's the only
                         way that makes sense.
                         (a beat) We can do it � today, if
                         you want.  What do you say? 

               KARL stares at HEADINGTON.  Slowly KARL nods his head.

                                                       FADE TO BLACK.

                                                       CUT TO:

               A BLACK VOID

               Whooshing sounds and crashes can be heard.

                                   KARL (V.O.)
                             (in a panic)
                         Oh, Jesus!  Oh, God!  Oh, Jesus! 
                         Oh, God!  Oh, Jesus!  Oh, God!  Oh,
                         Jesus! Oh, God!  Christ!  What's
                         happening to me?  I'm fucked.  I'm
                         finished.  The fucking thing
                         doesn't work.  Oh, Jesus! Oh, God! 
                         When will the bastard stop bumping? 

               Sounds of thumping and crashing continue, then fade.

                                                       CROSSFADE TO:

               EXT.  A HILLSIDE - A WARM, SUNNY DAY

               There is a broken sphere shaped object near the base of the
               hill.  A dark liquid is seeping out of cracks in the outer

                                                       CUT TO:

               INT. THE SPHERE

               KARL is naked.  He curls more tightly into a ball as the
               level of liquid falls, sinking into the soft yielding plastic
               of the inner lining.  There is a small section housing
               strange, unconventional instruments.  They make no sound and
               do not move.  As the last of the liquid drips out of the
               sphere, it shifts and rolls one more time.  It then lays
               still in the silence.

                                                       CUT TO:

               KARL'S FACE � CONTINUOUS

               He is wearing a swim mask and holding a rubber piece in his
               mouth.  It looks very much like what a scuba diver would
               wear.  His eyes are open wide in terror.

                                   KARL (V.O.)
                         Why did I do it?  Why did I do it? 
                         Why did I do it?  Why did I do it? 
                         Why did I do it?  Why did I do it?
                         He faints.

                                                       DISSOLVE TO:
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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.